Try the job search like never before.
With AI, automation, most advanced filters, everything in one place
Swipe through top latest jobs from Linkedin, Indeed, Glassdoor, and many other boards. Be the first to apply.
No duplicates or spam. No promoted listings. Discarded jobs are hidden. Your experience is truly streamlined and efficient.
Use our AI assistant to fill job applications. AI reads your profile, resume (if provided), job description to make each application personal.
Every feature you need to win a job.
It's not just saves you hundreds of hours of time, it enhances you opportunities and maximizes your chances of getting hired.
Start now, cancel anytime.
Get started today with the confidence of our 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're not fully satisfied, cancel anytime within the first 30 days for a full refund.
Try our essential features to kickstart your job search journey.
- Access to top personalized jobs from Linkedin, Indeed, Glassdoor, and other boards
- Advanced filters & personalization
- Keyword highlighting
- Apply up to 20 jobs per day
Great for active job seekers and career explorers advancing their professional journey
- Access to top personalized jobs from Linkedin, Indeed, Glassdoor, and other boards
- Advanced filters & personalization
- Keyword highlighting
- Unlimited apply to jobs
- Application tracking dashboard
Ideal for professionals applying to a large amount of jobs globally
- Access to top personalized jobs from Linkedin, Indeed, Glassdoor, and other boards
- Advanced filters & personalization
- Keyword highlighting
- Unlimited apply to jobs
- Application tracking dashboard
- AI Automated features: filling out questions, cover letters, and more
- Email or messenger alerts
Frequently asked questions
If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.
Can I filter out certain job titles, companies, or keywords?
Absolutely! Our app allows you to use advanced filtering options to exclude specific job titles, companies, or keywords from your search, ensuring you only see jobs that are relevant to you.
Is it possible to track all my job applications in one place?
Yes, the app offers a centralized system to keep track of all your applications. This feature also provides valuable insights and retains data on jobs you’ve applied for, even if they are removed from the original job board.
How up-to-date is the job listing database?
Our database is updated with new listings many times per day, ensuring you have access to the latest job postings from multiple websites. Applying early increases your chances of success.
Can I get notifications for new job listings?
Yes, you can set up notifications to be alerted about new jobs that match your filters through email or messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram.
Will I see the same job listing twice?
No, our app ensures you won't see the same job again once you've swiped left or discarded it. This keeps your job search experience efficient and free from duplicates or spam.
What makes the app's job recommendations advanced?
Our job recommendations go beyond just matching job titles. We analyze job descriptions and requirements in-depth to find opportunities that truly match your skills and experience.